De job service biedt de mogelijkheid om gepubliceerde vacatures uit eazymatch op te halen. Hierbij kan gebruik gemaakt worden van filters en paginanavigatie.

Voorbeeld call: vacatures ophalen & filteren


	* example to connect with eazymatch and get a list of published jobs
	$rootDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
	//include the autoloader for eazymatch classes
	include_once( $rootDir . '/bootstrap.autoload.php' );
	//create a new connection using our private configuration
	$apiConnect = new emolclient_manager_base( include( $rootDir . '/config.php' )  );
	* list all published jobs
	//the limit on how many jobs to fetch, ordered by date
	$limit = 10;
	//filters, a manager function 50km round Amsterdam
	$filters = array(
		'free' => array(
		'location' => array(
			'city' => 'Amsterdam',
			'range' => 50000 //range in meters
	//default ordering
	$orderBy = '';
	//get the results
	//  TheConnection -> TheController -> TheMethod ( Parameters );
	$resultArray = $apiConnect->job->getPublished( $limit , $filters , $orderBy );
	echo '<pre>';
	echo '</pre>';

Voorbeeld call: één vacature ophalen


	* example to connect with eazymatch and get a published jobs (all data)
	$rootDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
	//include the autoloader for eazymatch classes
	include_once( $rootDir . '/bootstrap.autoload.php' );
	//create a new connection using our private configuration
	$apiConnect = new emolclient_manager_base( include( $rootDir . '/config.php' )  );
	//get the results
	//  TheConnection -> TheController -> TheMethod ( Parameters );
	$resultArray = $apiConnect->job->getFullPublished( 1000 );
	echo '<pre>';
	echo '</pre>';

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